Primary is building a materials store

Design by Will Harvey and Jacob Kelly

Primary needs you! We are constructing a Materials Store as part of our environmental commitments. It will enable our residents and the local community to share and reclaim waste materials. The structure, designed  by Primary residents Will Harvey and Jacob Kelly, will facilitate a circular system of material use and reuse. Once complete, a public programme of events will consider material culture in the City.

The build for the store is currently underway and we aim to construct it out of as many reclaimed materials as possible to reflect its purpose. In order to meet this goal we need your support in sourcing relevant waste materials. We can collect materials and dismantle structures if necessary!

Materials we are looking for include:

  • 5 - 10mm thick planks for use as cladding i.e., fence panels, sheds, etc we can take down

  • Structural Timber lengths, various thickness

  • Timber Battens

  • Corrugated metal/polycarbonate sheets, roofing

  • Transparent Polycarbonate sheets

  • Screwsfor external use

  • Waterbutts/IBC tanks

  • Guttering, for 9m span.

Please contact us at 0115 924 4493 or email if you can support us!